Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tapenade with a Twist

Yesterday it was sheeting down rain but I made my way to Sustenance Studio to check out the venue in San Luis Obispo. The clouds lifted upon my arrival and so did my spirits when I entered through the door. What a welcoming place.

Maya and Seamus felt Ike old friends I hadn't seem in awhile. As I helped myself to a cup of coffee and admired the art adorned walls I knew I was entering a place that was home. A place where my creativity could soar.

As many of you already know, on May 4th I have my cooking audition/interview at Sustenance and my menu of choice is doing a roasted beet with caramelized goat cheese salad. I decided then and there to throw a twist into the mix.

Tapenade (pronounced tap-en-AAD) twists would accompany each salad. I stopped off at the local market and picked up a few supplies needed and got to work last night. Puff pastry, Spanish green and Kalmata (named after the famous city in Greece) olives. I already had the capers olive oil, and of course garlic on hand.

The market was out of fresh basil so I stopped by Rite-Aid and picked up two plants. I pinched what I needed and will plant them out to have the continuing supply. It was much cheaper to purchased live plants and pick verses buying the pre-packaged. My kitchen smells great too.

Once the twists are twisted they need to set-up in a freezer until firm. Right before putting them in the oven (350 degrees) an egg wash coating needs to be applied. Bake until lightly brown.

Puff pastry is so fun to work with. Buying the Pillsbury frozen sheets makes life so easy. Anyone can look like a pro. Make sure they thaw before rolling out on a floured surface. What you are doing with the tapenade is like making a sandwich in between two layers of pastry. Slice into small strips and gently pick up both ends and move to the sheet pan. I was out of pastry paper so foil works too.
Gently lift one side of the strip higher than the other and manipulate around and around. The piece will twist from the top to the bottom. Don't fight it though. Since I am right handed, I have that hand lower securing the strip and my left hand higher to twirl.

Right out of the freezer the pastry wants to stay in it's fold. Room temp it takes about ten minutes to be ready to roll. I gently try to prompt the pastry to unfold. If it doesn't open. Let it sit a bit more. It really depends too on the temp of the room you are in. Warmer equals quicker colder takes longer.

I always seem to make a big batch of tapenade. What doesn't go into the pastry is sure to find it's way to my mouth.
The recipe is:
1/3 green olives to kalmata olives
2 tbsp. capers
splash of lemon juice
lots of olive oil
plenty of garlic to make it garlicky
salt and pepper to taste
Enjoy! They are habit forming though....

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