Friends - Eric Grote

I found this piece on line and it greatly moved me and wanted to share it with you, of course with Eric's permission. This is where we are at as a county and Eric couldn't say it any better. Thank you for your service

Tonight after reviewing the SC results and reading post caucus comments on Yahoo I decided to go for a walk. Something you don't do lightly in 19 degree Iowa weather.

I am a 20 year Army and Air Force veteran, enlisted and officer. Currently a retired Captain. I am one of the lucky vets, not missing any pieces or parts, and I did not come back in a body bag like many of my brothers and sisters in arms did.

I live part time in Hampton, Iowa and part time near our base in Incirlik, Turkey with my Turkish wife Suna, near the Turkish base where we have our airmen stationed. Suna worked as an AF civilian for over 22 years. If you have known someone who has been stationed there, Suna probably got their ticket for them. She has had the opportunity to meet Dr. Paul, his wife Carol, their son Rand and his wife. She was very impressed with them all as people and enjoyed hearing our candidate speak about peace and goodwill toward all nations. She told me she thinks he is much like Ataturk the founder of modern Turkey (their George Washington).

I had the privilege of being on stage with Dr. Paul at the Des Moines Iowa Veterans Rally on 28 Dec 2011.

Truly an honor I shall not forget. If you have not seen the speech, it was covered by C-Span. Google it - sorry don't have the link.

Enough about me and my wife. Just know we are diehard fans of Dr. Paul. Suna's mom used to say before she died that the only reason the world still survives is because there are always a FEW good people out there.

I took my neighbor to the vets rally he was a Vietnam Marine with 2 tours there. He was also with me on stage. He and his family are new converts to our candidate's cause. Next day after the speech he placed a sign in his yard for Ron Paul. He has told me he won't vote for anyone else. Since he is a former Eagle Scout and Marine, I take him at his word.

Now back to SC and the 4th place finish. I know my brother, his family and our many friends who voted for Ron are disappointed. I really was hoping for 1st or second place. Didn't happen. I have read other posts about why 4th wasnt so bad. It stated that we did pick up some delegates tonight, a + in my book. And that by keeping the others in the race it kind of splits up the vote. Also we have been told Mitt was a shoe in, tonight proves that is not the case.

I believe in the good doctor and his advisors around him.

America likes an underdog in sports, business or politics.

With the way he and his team are working, after my walk and a breath of cold Iowa fresh air I now feel he cannot lose.

Believe in freedom and the message. Evil dark forces are really trying very hard to keep in war. Do not let the vile message of fear and hate overtake you or your loved ones. Reach out to your fellow humans gently encourage them to savor the message of peace and freedom both economic and spirit. Find at least one more person to really hear Dr. Paul's message. Stay away from the dark side. Don't be a hater. Stay away from vulgarity and malice toward the opponents we face. We will not win people to our side by calling people names or using obscene language. Yes, some things I have seen thus far really make my blood boil and I would really like to rage against those things. It is ofttimes difficult to hold your speech or just plain whack somebody, but remember our goal is freedom, and victory for our rightous cause.

I am writing this for my daughter whose mother, my first wife, was Iranian. She still has distant relatives there in Iran. And although you never find a more devoted American, she has often told me she would like to see Iran as it is in someways a part of her cultural upbringing via her mother and grandparents who are now American citizens though they were all born in Tehran.

Additionally I have about 18 nieces and nephews, all 16-25 years old. I do not wish to see their precious lives (our Future) destroyed in needless wars so someone at Halliburton or KBR can get a fat dividend check.

After my walk and a few thoughts put down before you all I will sleep good tonight because I am going to need it for round 4 coming up soon. Remember it is nice to be important, but it is more important to be NICE.

Bless you all and our cause for Liberty.

Eric V. Grote Capt, NC, USAF retired